Porto Design Summer School, 07 – 19 July 2014

April 9th, 2014

The Porto Design Summer School Editorial Course is a unique opportunity to study graphic design within the setting of one of Europe’s oldest and most beautiful cities. Focusing on editorial design and typography, this intensive two week practice-based course also pays special attention to the city’s rare heritage in vintage shop signage and other forms of vernacular lettering.

Under the expert guidance of course tutors Jessica Helfand, Andrew Howard and Hamish Muir, participants will explore the creative possibilities of editorial design, examining topics such as narrative structure, navigation, typographic systems, hierarchy and composition, as well as editing and notions of authorship.

The course leads to a practical outcome for each participant in the form of an individual editorial project that develops personal interests and that draws inspiration from the city. The aim is to expand technical and conceptual skills and thus move participants closer to finding a unique outlook and signature as a graphic designer.

The two week programme will culminate with individual presentations of the projects in a collective critical review by fellow participants, tutors and invited guests.

Above all, the course establishes an intensive, creative forum within which to discuss approaches to contemporary design practice, to share ideas with colleagues and tutors alike, and to celebrate collective interest and enthusiasm.

Porto Design Summer School
