U_Type is a collection of stencil typefaces constructed on a shared framework from a minimal set of component parts. In U_Type, every character serves as a blueprint onto which different arrangements of modules are configured automatically.

U_Type consists of six compatible type systems: U_Line, U_Quad, U_Hexa, U_Octo, U_Span.

U_Type has been designed in two variant subsets. Set ‘A’ in each system features open intervals or stencil bridges between individual character subcomponents which are reduced to hairline spaces in Set ‘B’.

U_Type fonts are designed to interact with one another. Using page layout, bitmap or vector design software, two or more fonts can be overlaid in precise registration or in calibrated offsets allowing the application of multiple outlines, tints, colours, textures, patterns or transparencies.

U_Pipe: a companion set of multilinear fonts is available separately.
U_Hexa B
U_Line B
U_Quad B
U_Octo B
U_Span B